“Murder in Madtown” Now Available!

At last! Now you can buy “Murder in Madtown”! Now available through this site, and soon to be available on Amazon and Kindle Store.

You can find the link to the store page on the Murder in Madtown page on the main menu bar (Books/Murder in Madtown), or just CLICK HERE TO BUY MURDER IN MADTOWN! This will take you to a CreateSpace store page and an Amazon-like order/checkout system (CreateSpace is part of the Amazon family). It will require you to create or use an online account, just like you would if you were buying directly through Amazon.

“Murder in Madtown” 2nd Proofs

It’s getting closer . . . the second round of proofs are on their way. First round revealed a few corrections were needed. We’re somewhat confident (how’s that for qualified optimism) that the second round will be PERFECT, and soon we’ll be declaring victory and launching this book to the world!

“MadiScenes” Added to Web Site

Please check out the new addition to the site menu — “MadiScenes” gives you a pictorial view of some of the locations and things featured in Murder In Madtown. What fun! Sure, it’ll be more fun after you read the book, but until then . . . study up!